Stripes set us apart

The train was due at 12:3 0 am, just missed it by a nook. Aunt Anne perspiring,’’ Not again darling.’’ Uncle John, the miser he was, said, ‘’It is because of you, all that dressing up could have waited.’’ She replied, insulted, ‘’What’s with the attitude, I forgot my pearl necklace.’’

They ended up in bogey of another train’’. ‘’I am not sitting here’’, she answered. ‘’We have no choice’’, said Uncle John, all ready to sit in the most economical space ever. But they felt a sense of belongingness, in all that ruckus. Rubbles on the train disturbed them, but conversation was never ending. Talking and eating behind the washroom had its own funny smell.

‘’The train stopped at multiple junctions but not where we wanted it to go’’, John narrating this incident to his old friend. ‘’Stopped at Mathura twice to make us realise that we are going in the right direction’’, said John honestly. ‘’Eventually we have forgotten about it but, the train journey from Ranthambore to Delhi is an anecdote I wanted to share with you since you are going there. Be economical and double check the timings’’, advised John. People in weird circumstances yet a subtle sense of humour to it can make it an exciting experience. ‘’Despite the long canter rides to see the stripes set apart Ranthambore, that one train journey was a cherry on top. Now it’s something that can be easily forgotten but what a great story, some people would say’’, said Anne with a slightly sophisticated voice. ‘’After all happiness lies in the journey and not the destination’’, finishing his story said John with a big smile on his face.indian-trainsmain-img1